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Mutianyu Great Wall Ticket booking

Mutianyu, Huairou district, Beijing

  • grande muraille de Mutianyu
  • gran muralla
  • grande muraille de Mutianyu
  • gran muralla

USD $29


Type: Attractions
Opening hours:
Mar.16-Nov.15 (07:30-18:00); Sat. Sun. (07:30-18:30); Nov.16-Mar.15 (08:00-17:00)
Ticket Type Schedule Pre-booking Cost
Morning ticket (Admission+Sightseeing Bus+Cable Car) Check in time: 08:30am-12:30pm

Shared capacity: 10000 pax

Book at least 2 hours in advance

USD $34 Book
Afternoon ticket (Admission+Sightseeing Bus+Cable Car) Check in time: 12:30pm-16:00pm

Shared capacity: 10000 pax

Book at least 2 hours in advance

USD $34 Book
Children<18( free Admission+Sightseeing Bus+Cable Car) When accompanied by an adult, children will be assigned the same time slot as the adult.

Shared capacity: 1000 pax

Book at least 24 hours in advance

USD $28 Book

Tour Code: BJT-05

Location: Mutianyu, Huairou district, Beijing 北京市怀柔区渤海镇慕田峪村

Ticket Type: E-ticket / QR Code

Confirm: Email; ETripChina will confirm the booking via email in 12 hours

Introduction of Mutianyu Great Wall

As the saying goes: He who doesn't reach the Great Wall is not a true man. When you’re travelling in Beijing you should not miss this wonder of the world- the Great Wall. Mutianyu Great Wall, which is located in San Du He in HuaiRou county, about 72 kms from downtown Beijing, less visitors but offers the most spectacular scenery and amazing place to take photos. Mutianyu Great Wall is more popular among foreign visitors. And former British Prime Minister John Major, former U.S. President Bill Clinton as well as other foreign leaders, have visited Mutianyu Great Wall.

Things to Know before Booking

1. Please take some cash if you do not use Wechat and Alipay.
2. Advance booking is suggested as it limits number of visitors per day.
3. No need to change paper tickets, check in with QR Code.
4. Children under 6 year old enjoy free entry.
5. The shuttle bus takes you from the gate to the cable car station, for about 3 km.
4. Cable car ride is suggested for elders, and those who have limited travel time or want to save some energy.

Mutianyu Great Wall Travel Tips

Mutianyu Great Wall offers two routes: west and east, with options for single or both routes.

West Route (Towers 14-20): The West Route from Tower 14 to Tower 20 at Mutianyu Great Wall involves slopes and stairs, making it a relatively easy walk. Tower 20, known as the "Hero Slope," offers the best views but requires some physical strength. This route takes about 1.5-2 hours to walk.

East Route (Towers 6-1): The route from Towers 6 to 1 at Mutianyu Great Wall features steep and challenging stairs, requiring physical strength. Elderly individuals should be cautious. A toboggan is available for descent, but there may be a queue.


  1. West Route: Easier walk, better scenery.

  2. East Route: Toboggan experience, but tougher stairs.

  3. Both Routes: Pay two cable car fees (different operators). Consider taking the cable car up the west route and the toboggan down the east route, with a walk in between (time-consuming).

The listed price includes a round-trip cable car to Tower 14.


Transport to Mutianyu

Public transportation to Mutianyu is limited. Budget travelers can use the "Beijing Tourism Distribution Center's tour line":

  • Outbound: 8:00-10:00 (depart as buses fill), arriving around 9:30-12:00

  • Return: 13:00-16:00 (depart as buses fill)

For families or large groups, consider booking a car for better time efficiency, comfort, and direct hotel departure. Check prices and options under Beijing Mutianyu Car Hiring Service.

Price Inclusion

1. Mutianyu Great Wall tickets (as specific.
2. Service Fee & bank charge.

Classic Beijing Itinerary for your reference

Day 1  Arrive in Beijing: Airport Transfer

Day 2   Beijing Morning visit: Tiananmen Square, The Forbidden City, Jingshan Park.; Afternoon visit: Hutong Tour(free)

Day 3   Beijing:  Badaling Great Wall or  The Mutianyu Great Wall(admission +cable car+ sightseeing bus) (Transfer from Beijing City Center to the Great Wall)

Day 4    Depart Beijing: Temple of HeavenSummer PalaceAirport Transfer.



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